9 Tips for Navigating Challenging Times

9 Tips for Navigating Challenging Times

Free tacos - just one of thousands of examples of the outpouring of support during the California wildfires.

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This has been a challenging week in Northern California where I live.

My husband and I have been extremely fortunate that we haven’t needed to evacuate, and we only lost power for a couple days. But even for us, it has been challenging because of smoky air, uncertainty, and the general high level of stress in our community.

Here are some strategies that are helping me navigate this time:

1) Expect the best, and be prepared for the worst.

2) Remember this is temporary . Keep reminding myself the fires will be put out, rain will come.

3) Focus on the good. There is so much good if I look for it, such as the way our community pulls together in a crisis.

4) Focus on gratitude. So much to be grateful for - the brave first responders and firefighters, all the people who step up to help the evacuees, even how our emergency response systems are getting better with each fire event. 

5) Minimize exposure to “disaster” news, especially TV coverage that shows the same fire footage over and over.

6) Good self-care. Strategies such as extra rest, hydration, and eating healthy.

7) Connect with other people. I have a tendency to hunker down at home, especially when the air quality is bad, but I feel better if I also get out and connect with people in person, as well as connecting with loved ones through text, email, and phone.

8) Help others. Always feels good, even if it’s just doing small things.

9) Stay focused on the big picture. I have noticed the past few years during fire/smoke events, I can start feeling negative about where we live, and question whether this is still a good place for us. 

So now throughout the year I try to remember to really take in and savor all the good about where we live. When the air is clear, I breathe it in deeply and give thanks. 

I have been working all year on anchoring in all the good about where we live so that when it’s not a good time I can draw on those memories to remind me why we love it here.

How about you? What is one of your strategies for navigating through challenging situations?

Send an email to liz@happybrainlife and let me know.

Take good care of yourself. We need you!



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