7 Research-Backed Benefits of Laughter

7 Research-Backed Benefits of Laughter

Recently I attended training to become a laughter yoga leader, which was a very fun experience!

Laughter yoga is a modality developed by a physician in India to give people the benefits of laughter without having to rely on humorous material such as jokes or comedy. It’s called “laughing for no reason.”

The training was held at UCSF, our region’s leading medical center.

In addition to learning how to lead laughter yoga sessions, we also learned about the many health benefits of laughter.

In this post I’ll share some of the physical benefits of laughter. Next week I’ll describe the psychological benefits.

Physical Benefits of Laughter

As reported in the Alternative Therapies journal (Vol. 16, No. 6), research shows that laughter:

1. exercises and relaxes muscles

2. improves breathing

3. stimulates circulation

4. decreases stress hormones

5. boosts the immune system

6. elevates pain threshold and tolerance, and

7. enhances mental functioning.

These benefits of laughter occur whether we are laughing at something (such as jokes or a funny movie) or we are laughing for no reason. As far as researchers have been able to tell, the body doesn’t make a distinction - we get benefit either way.

To experience laughter for no reason, just set your timer for one minute and laugh away! It might feel strange at first, but soon you’ll get used to it.

Driving in your car is a great place to practice laughing for no reason - wonderful for relieving stress!

Children love laughter, so if you have any kids in your life invite them to laugh with you.

Most people find that the more they laugh, the easier it becomes.

If you’re interested in laughter yoga, you can find lots of information online, including videos on YouTube.

Bring more laughter into your life today – your body and your mind will thank you!

Take good care of your precious, heart centered self. Our world needs you!



8 More Benefits of Laughter

8 More Benefits of Laughter

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