6 Easy Ways to Create More Joy

6 Easy Ways to Create More Joy

Joy chemistry vs stress chemistry

When we are feeling stressed, the survival part of our brain floods our body with stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones create a variety of effects in our bodies that prepare us to fight, flee, or freeze.

Through the millions of years of human evolution, these neurotransmitters were helpful to our survival. The challenge is that in our modern world, for many of us, the survival part of our brain is getting triggered much of the time. This creates a continuous state of stress chemistry that is very hard on our bodies and brains.

How can we calm the stress response?

One of the best ways to calm the stress response is through joy. Joy chemistry is the opposite of stress chemistry - joy produces a cascade of neurotransmitters that have all kinds of positive effects in our bodies, contributing to optimal physical, mental, and emotional health.

Here are six easy ways to create more joy chemistry:

  1. Visualize - Imagine a place where you feel calm, relaxed, and joyful. Where is your happy spot - tropical beach, forest, mountain top? Spend a few moments imagining as if you are there now, engaging all of your senses. “I’m standing on a beautiful beach in Hawaii. I can feel the warm sand under my toes, the sun on my face, the gentle breeze. I can smell the salty sea air. I feel so calm, relaxed, and happy.” Really savor that feeling.

  2. Laugh - This is one of the best ways to shift our chemistry from stress to joy. Laughter is very reassuring to the survival brain - we can’t laugh and be in fear at the same time. Make a point to add more laughter into your daily life. Check out laughter yoga, which is a fun easy way to laugh. There are resources online and also many local in-person groups around the world.

  3. Music - Happy upbeat music is great for shifting to joy chemistry. Make a playlist of songs that lift your spirits and make you feel happy. Even better if they make you want to dance. Even better if you get up and dance!

  4. Limit - Reduce your exposure to stressful media including news, social media, movies, etc. The part of our brain that produces stress hormones can’t tell the difference between something that is actually happening in real life and something we’re hearing about or watching on a screen. If you like following the news or watching scary movies, make sure you are balancing that with plenty of time doing activities that produce positive chemistry in your body. The more stressed you are feeling, the more important it is to limit adrenaline-producing media, at least until you get into a better balance of joy and stress chemistry.

  5. Friends and family - Our brains are built to thrive on social connection, especially positive social interaction. Spend time with people who make you laugh. If people you love and want to spend time with tend to get stuck in negativity, set good boundaries. Shift the focus of your conversation to positive topics like, “What is going well for you? What are you excited about?”

  6. Nature - Our bodies and brains thrive in nature, which makes sense considering that humans evolved over millions of years completely in sync with nature. Spend as much time in nature as you can. When you are in nature, pay attention. Savor all the sights and sounds, really take it in. Feel your body relaxing, your chemistry shifting from adrenaline to the natural joy of living on this beautiful earth.

Those are six easy ways to shift our brains and bodies from stress chemistry to joy chemistry. What are some of your favorite ways to shift into a state of joy?

I’d love to hear from you! Please send your comments, questions, and suggestions to: liz@happybrainlife.com.

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