Intuition is a Superpower!

Intuition is a Superpower!

Many sensitive, heart-centered people have strong intuition.

Have you noticed this in yourself? Have you ever had a gut feeling about something that turned out to be true?

Intuition is a process that gives us the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning, bridging the gap between the conscious and nonconscious parts of our mind, and also between instinct and reason. Francis Cholle, author of The Intuitive Compass

Intuition connects us with the wise self we all have inside of us.

When we combine our intuition with our conscious reasoning, we can make good decisions and more easily navigate life’s challenges. 

The challenge can be discerning what messages are coming from our intuition, and what messages are coming from our fear-based, survival brain. 

How can we tell what messages are coming from our highest, wisest self? Those messages will come from a calm, loving, expansive perspective. 

Messages of fear, scarcity (not enough), and self-criticism/judgement come from the fear-based part of the brain that evolved to focus solely on our survival. 

Calming our survival brain will help us get in touch with our intuition. 

Some of the things that really help calm our survival brain are:

  • unplugged time in nature

  • joy and laughter

  • spending time with positive, uplifting people.

All these activities prompt our brain to flood our body with soothing, helpful neurotransmitters (chemicals). 

With these positive chemicals flowing through our bloodstream, our survival brain calms down and our intuition is much clearer.

The stress hormones produced by the survival brain are like mud on a windshield - they make it harder to see. Positive neurotransmitters wash away the mud so we can see clearly. 

When our survival brain is calm, there are other strategies we can use to get more in touch with our intuition. 

Lots of people find journal writing helpful for accessing intuition. You can ask questions such as, “What does my highest, wisest self have to say about this situation?” 

Other creative mediums such as drawing, painting, and collaging are great ways to access intuition. Set an intention of using the activity as a way of getting in touch with your highest, wisest self. 

Talking with a trusted friend or counselor also can be helpful, especially if it is someone strongly in touch with their own wise intuition.

When our intuition is operating strongly, and we combine that with our conscious reasoning, we are better able to navigate the challenges of our personal lives.

Intuition, along with other gifts of sensitivity such as compassion and creativity, also can be part of our contribution to helping make our world a better place.

Do you consider yourself an intuitive person? If so, what is one way that you can see that is helpful for yourself and others? Shoot me an email and let me know.

I’d love to hear from you. Please send comments, questions, and suggestions to

Big hugs,


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