Jumpstart Your Creativity!

Jumpstart Your Creativity!

Are you feeling drawn to expand your creativity in 2020?

If so, join our free 10 Day Creativity Challenge for Heart Centered Women!

Here’s the link to sign-up: https://mailchi.mp/happybrainlife/10daycreativitychallenge

You’ll receive daily emails with suggestions for fun, easy activities, plus Creative Mindset tips.

In our private Facebook group, you can connect with other creative, heart centered women around the world.

10 Day Creativity Challenge (10).png

Increasing creativity in our lives has abundant benefits – physical, mental, and social.

A recent article on relaxyourback.com reported research demonstrating many health benefits of creativity, including:

  1. Elevates mood – engaging in a creative activity we enjoy feels good!

  2. Alleviates anxiety – also can help with depression and trauma

  3. Boosts brain function – improves cognitive skills

  4. Prevents disease – most studied with degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

  5. Increases immune health – being creative can help reduce stress hormones and inflammation

Engaging in creative activities we enjoy can have many other benefits as well, such as:

  • Bringing more excitement, enthusiasm, and joy to our lives and relationships

  • Developing mindfulness as we bring our full attention to what we’re doing

  • Helping us bring more creativity to our work/career

  • Giving common ground for connecting with other people and community-building

If you feel drawn to expand your creativity, I’d love for you to join us:


I look forward to connecting with you in the Creativity Challenge and in our Facebook group as we embrace our creativity together!

Questions? Email liz@happybrainlife.com.

Please take good care of your precious, creative, heart centered self. Our world needs you!



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