Gratitude is a Superpower!

Gratitude is a Superpower!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the US!

One of the things I love about Thanksgiving is the focus on gratitude.

Gratitude is so powerful.

Hundreds of studies have shown the many benefits of gratitude on our physical, mental, and emotional health.

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Here are four easy ways to include more gratitude in your life:

  1. Write a thank you letter. Write to people who are in your life currently, and also people from your past. Emails and texts expressing gratitude are great. And, if you’re able, handwritten cards and letters are maybe even better. Who can you send a thank you letter to and brighten their day?

  2. Keep a gratitude journal. Every night write down three things you’re grateful for. Try to think of new things each night. Even the effort of trying to think of things we’re grateful for shifts our brains from survival mode to thriving mode.

  3. Flood of gratitude. When you first wake up in the morning, think about all the things you’re grateful for, such as, “I’m grateful for sleep, for waking up, for my bed, for my husband sleeping beside me, for our daughter, for our home, for food to eat.” Just keep going and feel the positive neurochemistry of gratitude flood your body.

  4. Express gratitude in advance. This one might sound a little unusual, but it can be powerful. Think about things you want, but that aren’t in your life yet. Give thanks as if they are already in your life. For instance, if you want a new job, write down, “Thank you for this wonderful new job with these characteristics (list them all).” Or if you want a new relationship, write “Thank you for this relationship with this amazing person with these qualities (list them all).” A very powerful part of your brain will think that you actually already have those things and will go about creating them for you.

Play with these ways of adding more gratitude energy into your life this Thanksgiving and throughout the year.

I’m grateful for you!

What are you grateful for?

Send an email to and let me know.

Please take good care of your precious self. Our world needs your kindness, compassion, and empathy now more than ever.



P.S. If you’ve been thinking of trying a free life coaching session, there are still a few appointments available in December. Sign up here:

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