Season of Light

Season of Light

Happy holidays!

What do you love most about this time of year?

I love all the lights.

Season of Light.png

In my household, we celebrate Hanukkah.

Most years we are out and about so much this time of year that we end up not lighting candles every one of the eight nights.

But this year we were home so we lit the candles every night, including a few zoom candlelightings with family and friends - a great tradition I hope we continue.

I also love the Christmas lights this time of year, walking in our neighborhood and driving around town. My favorite are the simple displays – a few lights in a bare tree seems magical.

Winter solstice is one of my favorite holidays of the year, because it means we’re heading for spring!

This year I got lucky and saw the solstice sun rising when I was out walking our dog.

The cloudless sky was filled with soft pink and I felt a sense of awe watching the sun emerge from its southern-most spot on the horizon.

This time of year I also love to light candles and write about the year that is ending and the year to come.

I hope that, whatever holidays you celebrate, you find ways to create special memories during these unusual times.

I’m grateful for all of you!



Thank You!

Thank You!

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Wrapping Up 2020