3 Ways You Can Help

3 Ways You Can Help

These are challenging times, and it’s easy to feel a little overwhelmed.

Heart centered women with high empathy tend to feel not just our own feelings, but also those of the people around us and the larger society.

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Because we are wired to help others, thinking about how we can be of assistance to others helps us feel better too.

Here are three suggestions:

1) Spread love, not fear. Love is a powerful, calming energy. Tune into the love you feel for your family, friends, animals, earth, a higher power, and for yourself.

Feel that love in your heart and let it expand to fill up your whole body. Imagine your love spreading out to your loved ones, your community, the world.

2) Reach out to people – loved ones, neighbors, coworkers. Many people are feeling afraid and isolated. Even if you choose not to be with others in person, you can reach out by text, phone, video call, email.

We need social interaction to thrive - being isolated is hard on our immune systems and our spirits. Find creative, positive ways to connect.

3) Take extra good care of yourself, so that you can help others. Whatever you can do to be calm, relaxed, and happy is good for your immune system and will help you be stronger.

Some ideas: calming and uplifting music, time in nature, connecting with loved ones (even if not in person), joy and laughter, herbal teas, connecting with your spirituality and sense of purpose. Putting limits on exposure to the news is always a good idea.

There are many articles online about research-backed ways to support your immune system, including a healthy diet high in antioxidant plants, moderate exercise, good sleep, and stress reduction. There also are lots of articles online about immune-boosting herbs, if you’re interested in exploring plant medicine.

I’ll share this from a friend whose doctor is following trials of Vitamin C in China for the coronavirus: for prevention, take 5 grams of Vitamin C per day, ideally 500 mg every hour for ten hours (non-acidic forms of vitamin C are easier on the digestive system).

We will get through these challenging times. As a heart centered woman, your gifts of kindness, compassion, empathy, and creativity are needed now more than ever.

I’d love to know what is helping you during these days. Email me at liz@happybrainlife.com and share.

Please take good care of yourself. We need you!



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