Don't Let Your Brain Get Hijacked!

Don't Let Your Brain Get Hijacked!

Heart centered women with high empathy can be particularly susceptible to all the negative, fearful energy floating around our world right now.

Our brains have something called the “negativity bias,” which means the primitive part of the brain is always focused on potential threats.

That was helpful in our ancestors’ time, but in our modern 24/7 switched on world our brains can easily get overwhelmed by all the scary news.

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We are living through a dramatic time in history. Our primitive brains want to get pulled into the drama, but that can put us in a state of chronic stress that is hard on our bodies.

The more we unplug from the drama, the better for our health and well-being.

Find a balance between being informed and being overwhelmed.

Know that all media supported by advertising has a vested interest in grabbing and keeping your attention, and they know the best way to do that is by hooking your primitive brain.

Ask yourself, “Is this information helpful for me and my loved ones, or is it just feeding the drama?”

If it’s just feeding the drama, give yourself permission to disengage.

There are lots of things you can do to unplug from the drama, such as limiting your intake of news, connecting with nature, music, prayer, and social connection with positive people.

Another great way to unplug is to connect with your creativity – write, sing, dance, knit, draw, paint, cook, garden, plan social activities (Zoom get togethers?) - whatever you enjoy!

Unplugging from drama and plugging into creativity lifts your spirits and calms your brain and body, which supports your immune system and helps you think more clearly, both so important right now.

Heart centered women with high empathy not only absorb the strong emotions of others around us and in the larger society, we also radiate our emotions.

Have you noticed what happens in your family when you radiate emotions such as fear, anger, and stress vs. calm, peace, and love?

Feel your feelings but do your best to not get stuck in the heavy dense emotions, especially ones that don’t belong to you.

Learn to shake them off, unplug from negative drama, and plug into things that nurture and support you.

What helps you unplug from the drama? Email me at and let me know.

Please take good care of your precious self. Our world needs you!



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