Writing for Resilience

Writing for Resilience

Would you like to feel stronger and more resilient as we navigate these challenging times?

Join us for Writing for Resilience – a free 5-day workshop for heart centered women, June 1-5, 2020.

Click this link to sign-up: https://mailchi.mp/happybrainlife/writingforresilience

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You’ll learn new, research-backed tools that can increase your resilience by using them even a few minutes a day.

The workshop includes daily emails and three live webinars.

Even if you don’t think of yourself as a writer, this class is for you.

We need resilience now more than ever.

We can learn to surf the waves of change that are washing over our world, instead of being swept under.

We can learn to be more flexible and adaptable.

We can draw on our heart centered strengths, such as empathy, emotional intelligence, and creativity.

In this workshop you’ll learn tools that can help not just in these challenging times, but also in the future.

I hope you’ll join us for Writing for Resilience, June 1-5.

Click this link to register:


Please take good care of your precious self. Our world needs you!



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Antiracism Resources

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