We Can Come Out of This Stronger

We Can Come Out of This Stronger

We find ourselves in an unprecedented global situation that is very challenging for many of us.

Is it possible to come out of this stronger than we were before? Physically, mentally, emotionally, even financially?

We come out of this situation stronger (1).png

Some ways we might use this situation to help us be stronger could be to:

  1. Get better at taking good care of ourselves.

  2. Learn to be more flexible and adaptable.

  3. Clarify what’s most important to us - where we want to put our time and energy, who we want to spend time with, where we need to have better boundaries.

  4. Get better at managing our thoughts and emotions, knowing that our thoughts and emotions have such an impact both on our immune systems and also our ability to think clearly and creatively.

  5. Develop a new habit. I know people who are developing new habits for things like fitness, reading more, budgeting, and doing something creative every day.

  6. Learn a new skill - could be a new language, how to cook, knitting, photography – anything you can imagine!

My husband and I had planned to be traveling last month and this month. Since we’re home, this seemed like a good opportunity to overcome my fear and learn a new skill - doing live videos on Facebook.

I’ve been going live in the 10 Days of Calm and Creativity for Heart Centered Women Facebook group. I’m having fun and learning a lot! Thanks everyone who has been supporting me :)

How about you? What are you doing during this time that could help you be stronger for the rest of your life?

Send an email to liz@happybrainlife.com and let me know!

Please take good care of your precious, heart centered self. Our world needs you!



Imagination is a Superpower!

Imagination is a Superpower!

Support Your Immune System with Calm and Creativity

Support Your Immune System with Calm and Creativity