3 Reasons to Keep Setting Goals

3 Reasons to Keep Setting Goals

With so many things up in the air right now, are you finding it hard to think about goals? 

Here are three reasons why continuing to set goals, even in this time of uncertainty, can be a good idea: 

1) Short term goals will help you feel like you still have some agency in your life.  

Accomplishing these goals releases feel-good neurotransmitters in your brain, especially when you take time to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small.  

Keeping a success journal, where you write down your achievements every day, small and large, has been shown to help build resilience. 

2) Medium term goals help keep you moving in the direction you want to go. 

The river of life will keep flowing. Setting goals helps you steer your boat in the direction you want to go as you navigate these challenging times. 

3) Long term goals help keep you moving towards your biggest dreams. 

With so much uncertainty in the world, there can be a tendency to not want to dream big dreams because who knows what will happen.  

I encourage you to spend some time dreaming and getting clear about your biggest goals, your big dreams.  

Ask yourself, “Wouldn’t it be amazing if...?”  

What would be amazing in your personal life – your career, relationships, home, travel.  

What would be amazing for the world?  

When you get clear on your big goals, start taking steps in the direction of those dreams. 

It’s been said we overestimate what we can do in one year, and underestimate what we can do in five or even ten years.  

For example, if you want to learn a language, spending even five minutes a day on a free language app will mean that in five years you’ll know a lot! 

If you want to be more involved politically, take one action a day, such as writing an email to your elected representative. In a year you’ll have taken 365 actions! 

Small, consistent steps are the key to major progress over the long term. 

What small step can you take towards a big goal today? 

Please take good care of your precious self. Our world needs you! 



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