Imagining a Better Future

Imagining a Better Future

Have you been feeling like things are falling apart? 

Looking around our world today, it can seem like a lot of old structures are collapsing, and it isn’t clear yet what will take their place. 

Many people are experiencing big changes in their personal lives as well. 

Have you heard of imaginal cells? They can be a great analogy for the big transformations we’re going through as individuals and societies. 

I love this description of imaginal cells by Marc Winn, so I’m sharing a long quote from his blog post ( 

“Imaginal cells are the ones that create the incredible process of metamorphosis that occurs when a caterpillar changes into a butterfly. These cells hold all the potential for the future, but initially they act separately, before combining as one to create something incredible that is a great improvement on their previous existence. 

The process of this change is amazing. Within the chrysalis, the structure of the caterpillar dissolves into a soupy organic mush. Hitherto dormant cells – “imaginal cells” – from the caterpillar start to develop the new structure of a butterfly, even though there is no similarity whatsoever between the two creatures. 

Initially, each of the imaginal cells operates as a single-cell organism – entirely independent of one another. The immune system of the caterpillar even identifies them as threats and attacks them. Regardless, the imaginal cells continue; they multiply, and they connect with one another, forming clusters. 

They start to resonate with the same frequency and communicate in the same language, passing information backwards and forwards until there is a tipping point – when they stop acting as individual, separate cells and instead, become a multiple-celled organism: a butterfly. 

If we take this as an analogy for society today, it presents an exciting proposition. When systems are breaking down, you can either collapse and die or rise to the challenge of creating something better – and achieve the next stage of evolution.  

Leaders are the imaginal cells within their community or organisation. As ideas spread and like minds connect, the possibilities grow exponentially to transform systems, policies and processes to meet the greatest challenges in our world today. 

Just as it takes the total disintegration of the caterpillar’s structure in order to create a butterfly – it may take the complete breakdown of present systems before a better future occurs.” 

What transformations are you going through in your life? What is the butterfly you’re trying to become?  

Send an email to and let me know. 

Please take good care of your precious, heart centered self. Our world needs you! 




Navigating Rough Waters

Navigating Rough Waters

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