Be Kind to Yourself

Be Kind to Yourself

Are you going through a challenging time?

If so, my heart goes out to you.

Life can be so unexpected sometimes.

When we’re going through hard times, sometimes we can have a tendency to be hard on ourselves, which makes whatever is happening even more challenging.

So many wonderful, loving, compassionate women are kind to everyone else but can be very harsh and self critical with themselves.

When we were growing up, a lot of us learned the mistaken belief that being hard on ourselves is the best way to get along in life, and we got in the habit of speaking to ourselves that way.

Now science shows that actually the opposite is true.

When we are kind and compassionate to ourselves, we feel better emotionally and physically, and also are more effective in the world.

If you find yourself being self critical, think about someone you love deeply - your daughter, sister, a friend.

Ask yourself, “Would I say these self critical words to her?”

Most of us would never speak to someone we love in the harsh, critical ways we tend to speak to ourselves.

Instead, we would speak kindly, acknowledge the challenging time they are experiencing, offer our love and support.

If you are going through a challenging time, what would you say to a loved one going through what you are going through?

Maybe write it down, even have a dialogue with yourself.

With time and practice, you can change the habit of being hard on yourself to a habit of speaking kindly to yourself.

Your mind, body, and spirit will thank you.



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