Try This Simple Habit!

Try This Simple Habit!

I just listened to a podcast interview with Mel Robbins about her new book: The High Five Habit.

Mel invented an extremely simple habit that is making a big difference for lots of people.

I’m going to try it and I’m sharing it with you in case you want to try it too!

The habit is: every morning, high five yourself in the mirror.

Super simple, right?!

How could that possibly make a big difference?

Mel explained that she came up with this action spontaneously one morning when she was looking in the mirror feeling really down on herself during a low point in her life.

Doing it for a few mornings made a difference for her, so she shared it on social media and lots of people reported that it was helping them too.

She started talking to neuroscientists, such as Dr. Caroline Leaf, who had a lot of interesting things to say about why such a simple behavior could have a big impact on our lives.

I’m looking forward to reading about all that research in Mel’s book.

In the meantime, I’m going to start high fiving myself every morning in the mirror.

Mel said you don’t need to do anything other than high five yourself - you don’t need to say anything or even smile at yourself - just the simple high five is enough.

Doing this simple behavior for 5 days will start to rewire our brains from the habit of self-rejection and self-criticism (which we all have) to the habit of self-acceptance and self-support.

In this culture, we’re taught that being hard on ourselves is the key to succeeding in life, but so much research now shows that the opposite is true.

Being kind and compassionate to ourselves is good for our mental and physical health and is much more effective in helping us achieve our goals than self-criticism.

And high fiving ourselves is a simple way to start.

If you try experimenting with this habit let me know how it goes!



P.S. I’m a mindset coach for heart centered women. I help you learn to be as kind to yourself as you are to everyone else, which is the key to everything.



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