Perfectionism Kills Creativity

Perfectionism Kills Creativity

Perfectionism keeps us playing small, afraid to try anything or do anything or put anything out into the world that might not be perfect.

Heart centered women tend to have brains and nervous systems that process everything deeply.

That means we tend to think about every little thing a lot.

We don’t want to make even a tiny mistake because our brains will make it into a big deal.

Which is a shame, because heart centered women have so much to offer the world.

Such as creativity, empathy, compassion, and unique ways of perceiving and thinking.

Here are some ways you can coach yourself when you notice perfectionism stopping you from doing something you want to do:

  1. Ask yourself what is your worst fear? What is the worst thing that could happen if you make a mistake? Unless you’re a brain surgeon or in another life and death field, usually the worst thing that could happen is that you would feel a feeling, such as embarrassment, shame, failure, etc.

  2. Promise yourself that you will always have your own back. No matter what happens, even if you make a mistake, you won’t beat yourself up about it.

  3. Lower your standards. One of my mentors suggests aiming for B- work - focus on getting things done and out the door rather than worrying about getting them done perfectly. You can always go back later and revise, although chances are that for most things what you consider B- work will be good enough, and you can move on to creating more new things!

Is perfectionism a challenge for you? If so, what helps you move through it? Email me at and let me know!



P.S. I’m a coach for heart centered women. I help you ditch overwhelm and perfectionism so you can build your resilience, feel better, and enjoy your life more! Email me at to set up a free discovery call.

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