Resilience Tip #1

Resilience Tip #1

In these challenging times, resilience is one of the most helpful skills we can develop.

Resilience includes the ability to be flexible, to cope with whatever life brings, to recover from challenges.

A great place to start with developing your resilience is getting clear on your “why.” 

Why do you want to be more resilient? What is your motivation?

For me, it always comes down to:

1) wanting to be all I can be for my husband and daughter and other close family and friends, and

2) wanting to help empower other heart centered women and girls.

How about for you?

Who/what in your life motivates you to want to be strong, resilient, and flexible?

Your loved ones, a goal/dream you have for your life, something else?

The more you can connect with your deepest motivation, the more power and strength you’ll have access to.

And we need all the power and strength we can create in these times.

Please take good care of your heart centered self.

Our world needs your gifts of kindness, compassion, and creativity now more than ever!



P.S. I’m a mindset coach for heart centered women. I help you build your resilience so you can thrive no matter what challenges life brings.

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