Why Write?

Why Write?

Are you feeling called to write more in 2023?

If so, join us for Create a Writing Habit, a free 7-day writing challenge for heart centered women.

Here’s the link to sign-up:


Every day from January 1-7 you’ll receive an email with tips on creating a writing habit and some fun and easy writing suggestions to choose from.

Why write?

There are so many great reasons. Here are three of my favorite:

1) Connect with yourself. In our modern world of 24/7 media we are constantly bombarded with everyone else’s thoughts, feelings, stories, agendas. Writing is a powerful way to connect with your own creativity and your true thoughts and feelings, hopes and fears, disappointments and dreams.

2) Connect with your inner guidance. We live in such a noisy world it can be hard to hear the quiet voice within that has a bigger perspective on your life and knows what is best for you. Writing gives time and space for your inner wisdom to come through.

3) Share your voice. There are 8 billion people alive on our planet today, but there is only one you - your unique personality, perspective, gifts and challenges, life experience. If you feel called to share your writing, now is the easiest time in the history of the world to do so and I encourage you to go for it. Your voice is important!

If you’d like to write more, the best way to get started is to develop a writing habit by writing a little every day.

Starting 2023 with our free writing challenge will make that super fun and easy for you.

I’d love for you to join us!




20 Tips for Creating a Writing Habit

20 Tips for Creating a Writing Habit

Create a Writing Habit!

Create a Writing Habit!