5 Mindset Tips for Perfectionism

5 Mindset Tips for Perfectionism

Does perfectionism get in your way sometimes?

If so, you’re not alone.

Many heart-centered people struggle with perfectionism, especially when trying something new that’s out of our comfort zone.

It’s perfectly normal for our brains and nervous systems to freak out a little (or a lot) when we’re doing something new.

Any strategies you already have to calm your nervous system can help.

And here are five mindset tips specifically for perfectionism when doing something outside your comfort zone.

  1. Know your why. Why are you doing this thing that is bringing up perfectionism? To learn a new skill, help people, advance in your career? Write down your why and keep reminding yourself of why you are stretching yourself in this way.

  2. Lower your standards. This can be super helpful when you are trying something new that is out of your comfort zone. Trying to do it perfectly puts more pressure on your nervous system. Set minimal goals such as: ‘just try to not get fired,’ or ‘just try to survive” - might sound silly but it can really help to calm the nervous system.

  3. Identify your worst fear. Ask yourself what you are most afraid of. Keep asking, “And then what would happen?” to get to your very worst fear. Often it will be a feeling, such as embarrassment, shame, fear of letting someone down, etc. Can you promise yourself that no matter what happens, you’ll have your own back?

  4. Speak kindly to yourself. Think about what you would say to a friend who is doing something outside her comfort zone and struggling with perfectionism, and talk to yourself the same way. You already know how to be supportive and helpful to others, now turn that same compassion towards yourself.

  5. Celebrate all your successes! Acknowledging all the small and large steps you are taking to stretch outside your comfort zone shifts the focus to the positive and will help to build your courage and confidence, step by step.

What are your favorite strategies for calming your nervous system and/or mindset tips for when you’re doing something that is out of your comfort zone? Send an email to liz@happybrainlife.com and let me know!

You’ve got this!



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