Have you taken your forest bath today?

Have you taken your forest bath today?

Have you heard of forest bathing? 

The term was popularized by Dr. Qing Li who wrote Forest Bathing: How Trees Can Help You Find Health and Happiness.

Research conducted by Dr. Li and his team found that spending time with trees has many benefits on our physical, mental, and emotional health.

With it being fall in the Northern Hemisphere, and spring in the Southern Hemisphere, this is a great time to get out into the forest before we move into the more extreme weather of winter in the north and summer in the south. 

From the time I was a child growing up among the giant trees on the northwest coast of the United States, I’ve always loved trees. 

My husband and I aim to take at least one nature walk every weekend. One of our favorite walking places is a forest in the Pt. Reyes National Seashore about an hour from where we live.

When we walked there last Saturday, bay leaves covered the ground along the trail, their savory smell filling the air. Soft autumn sunlight filtered through the trees. I heard a birdsong I’ve never heard before.

I love walking in the same place frequently enough to get to know it. To see it change through the seasons, even in Northern California where the seasonal changes are more subtle than many other places. 

When we’re in the forest, I feel more connected with nature, with myself, and with my husband.

Do you feel a special connection with trees too?

Here is advice from Dr. Li on how to make the most of your forest bathing time:

“The key to unlocking the power of the forest is in the five senses. Let nature enter through your ears, eyes, nose, mouth, hands and feet. 

Listen to the birds singing and the breeze rustling in the leaves of the trees. 

Look at the different greens of the trees and the sunlight filtering through the branches. 

Smell the fragrance of the forest and breathe in the natural aromatherapy of phytoncides. 

Taste the freshness of the air as you take deep breaths. 

Drink in the flavor of the forest and release your sense of joy and calm. This is your sixth sense, a state of mind. 

Now you have connected with nature. You have crossed the bridge to happiness.” (https://time.com/5259602/japanese-forest-bathing/)

Send an email to liz@happybrainlife and tell me - where is your favorite place to spend time with trees?



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