4 Steps to More Joy

4 Steps to More Joy

Standing in my kitchen, the winter sunlight pouring through the window, I read an upsetting letter from a relative. I could feel my brain start going down old well-worn pathways of despair.

For months I had worked hard to pull myself out of lifelong struggles with depression and anxiety by rewiring my brain, and I was determined not to get pulled down into those old feelings again.

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I gave the letter to my husband and told him I didn’t want to talk about the contents - there was nothing I could do to make the situation better.

I put on a special playlist of upbeat music that always makes me feel good, turned it up loud and started dancing around the kitchen and singing along at the top of my lungs.

As I danced and sang I could feel my mood shifting from despair to joy. It felt so powerful to be able to stop that slide into old familiar mental pathways. 

Joy is powerful.

When we are in a state of joy, our brain produces happy neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) that cascade through our brain and body. It feels great, and also is very healing.

Learning to intentionally shift our mental state and tap into emotions such as love, joy, and gratitude is one of the most helpful things we can do for optimal health.

This doesn’t mean ignoring painful feelings - experiencing the full spectrum of emotions is part of the richness of being human. It just means we don’t have to get stuck in them. 

Our brains are constantly creating new pathways. We can intentionally choose which pathways we want to emphasize. Then we practice over and over again until those become our default pathways, just like learning any new skill.

Here are 4 steps for more joy:

1) make a list of things that sure-fire boost your mood

2) spend time every day shifting your brain into joy chemistry

3) pay attention to when your brain starts to spiral into old negative emotions

4) do something from your list to intentionally change that pattern

Repeat until those become your default mental pathways.

If you’d like some ideas for mood boosters, I made a list of 36 to get you started. You can grab it here:


I’d love to hear from you! Send your comments, questions, and suggestions to liz@happybrainlife.com.

Have a joyful day!



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