Unplug to Recharge

Unplug to Recharge

Our 24/7 plugged in world is hard on everyone, and can be especially hard on sensitive people whose brains are wired to take in more information and process it deeply. 

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Technology is a tremendous gift. We can connect with people all around the world. We have access to information in a way that has never existed before in human history. 

Technology is giving me the opportunity to connect with you right now, for which I am so grateful!

But being constantly connected to the flow of information coming through our digital devices can be overwhelming.

A couple strategies I’ve found helpful are: 

1. Have a technology-free time each day. For me that is the evening hours with my husband when we have dinner, read, watch a movie together, walk our dog.

2. Have a technology-free day each week. Mine is Saturdays. I know some people take a weekly digital break of at least 24 hours. I’m not quite there yet, hopefully soon.

My husband and I usually spend our digital-free day together, doing things we enjoy such as going out to breakfast, taking a walk in nature, spending time with friends. When I’m not checking my digital devices, the day feels more spacious.

Here are some suggestions for unplugging:

1. Schedule your unplug time. Put it in your calendar and make a commitment. If 24 hours feels too long, start with a shorter time.

2. Let your family know you’ll be offline, and how to reach you in an emergency.

3. Break the rules. If there is something you know you’ll need to check during your unplug time, give yourself some guidelines, such as, “At 2:30 I’ll check for that email, respond, and then unplug again.”

4. Pay attention to what your brain does. Our brains can be a bit addicted to the constant stimulation of technology (it’s like a powerful drug for the brain), so just pay attention. 

Watch your brain come up with reasons for you to go online so it can get its quick-stimulation fix - the messages it comes up with can be pretty hilarious.

5. Enjoy your unplug time!

Use technology in a way that empowers you, that increases your connections with the people and activities you care most about. 

I’d love to hear from you! Send comments, questions, and suggestions to liz@happybrainlife.com.

Please take good care of yourself. We need you!



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