5 Steps to Doing Something Hard

5 Steps to Doing Something Hard

Is there something you’d like to do that feels a little (or a lot) beyond your reach?

Stretching outside our comfort zone is a challenge for everyone. For heart-centered, sensitive people, it can be even more of a challenge.

Our nervous systems are wired to take in more information and process it deeply. That brings many gifts such as empathy and creativity. It also brings challenges, such as feeling easily overwhelmed - especially by new things.

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The part of our brain that is concerned with protecting us wants us to stay firmly inside of our comfort zone. 

But there is another part that calls us to expand outside our comfort zone and grow.

What are you feeling drawn to right now that feels like a stretch? Maybe learning a new skill, reaching out socially, looking for a new job? The possibilities are endless. 

How can we follow our hearts, while also helping our inner protector feel safe?

Here are five steps to tackling something new that’s a little scary:

1. Get clear on your why. Why do you want to do this thing? What is calling to you? Why is this important to you?

2. Calm your inner protector, the part of your brain that would like you to stay within your comfort zone. Spending time in nature, practicing gratitude, and intentionally creating joy all are calming to the inner protector.

3. Break down what you want to do into the smallest tasks possible. This helps to counteract the feeling of overwhelm. 

4. Focus on one tiny task at a time. Bring your attention completely to the present moment.

5. Celebrate all successes, no matter how small. Give yourself a high five, have a sticker chart, get up and dance - do something to acknowledge every success. This helps build confidence, as you keep reinforcing that you are a person who gets things done!

Our world so needs the gifts that heart-centered people have to offer.

The more we can learn to work with the different parts of ourselves (including our heart, our inner protector, and our logical mind), the more effective we can be in getting outside of our comfort zone and sharing our gifts.

What is one thing you’d like to do that feels like a bit of a stretch? Send an email to liz@happybrainlife.com and let me know!

Please take good care of yourself. We need you!



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