5 Easy Steps to Develop a Creativity Habit

5 Easy Steps to Develop a Creativity Habit

Do you make time for creative expression in your life? 

Baking, gardening, drawing, writing, singing, photography, home decorating, essential oil mixing  - the ways to creatively express ourselves are endless!

Whether we’re “good” at it or not doesn’t matter. What matters is expressing that creative spark within us.

We are wired to be creative. If we aren’t expressing our creativity, our lives can start to feel dull and boring.

Creativity is a Superpower! (1).png

What stops you from creating? 

One common block is feeling that being creative isn’t a good use of time because it doesn’t seem productive. But when we’re letting our creative energy flow, we’re happier, healthier, more fulfilled, better parents, partners, employees.

Another common block is feeling that we’re not good enough. What would you say to a beloved friend about that? I’d say the world needs more creativity, just do what makes you happy!

One last common block is feeling that we don’t have enough time. To work with this one, we can use the findings of research on building new habits.

Research shows the most effective strategy is to set a goal of doing the activity for just a few minutes a day to start, and build up from there.

To develop a creativity habit:

1. Pick one creativity activity you’d like to incorporate into your life.

2. Decide your goal for the first week - start small, five minutes or even less. 

3. Decide when you’ll do it each day. Put it on your calendar and your daily to do list.

 4. Make it easy to do the activity. For example:

Writing - set up a place for daily writing, with your notebook and favorite pen ready to go.

Dancing - make a playlist of your favorite dance tunes.

Gardening - have your gardening tools easily accessible. 

5. Do your activity, and enjoy! 

The next week increase the time by just a small amount, like six minutes instead of five. The important thing is to make the time short enough that you can easily do it every day, that’s the best way to build something new into your life.

Your creativity blesses the world. 

Send an email to liz@happybrainlife.com and let me know what creative activity you’ll be starting this week!

Please take good care of yourself. We need you!



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