3 Steps to Feel Better

3 Steps to Feel Better

Just a few days until the U.S. election – have you voted yet?

With so much happening that is outside our control, focusing on what is within our control can be very helpful.

We can control our:

-          Thoughts

-          Feelings

-          Actions

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These three questions can help us work with our thoughts and feelings. Ask yourself:

  1. What am I feeling right now? Tune into your body and see what emotion you’re feeling right now. Emotions are just vibrations in our bodies. When you’ve identified the emotion you’re feeling, see what you can discover about how that emotion feels in your body. Be curious. Where do you feel it? What does it feel like? Is it fast or slow? Heavy or light?

  2. What is the thought that is causing this feeling? Thoughts are just sentences in our minds. Shine a flashlight around in your mind and find the thought that is causing this emotion. It can help to do a thought download, where you write down everything you’re thinking. Look for the thought that is most connected to this feeling. For example, if the feeling is “anxiety,” the thought causing it could be some version of, “something bad might happen.”

  3. What is a more helpful thought? Play around with some new thoughts until you find one that creates a more helpful feeling.

For example, if the feeling is anxiety, and the thought is “something bad might happen,’ a more helpful thought could be: “yes, something bad could happen, but also something good could happen,” or “I will focus on what I can control,” or “I can handle whatever happens.”

A thought I’ve been practicing is “I am resilient, and committed to showing up for my loved ones and my life regardless of what’s happening in the world.”

Once you’ve found a helpful thought – practice it! Write it down every day. Put it on sticky notes around your house. Say it out loud.

By practicing new thoughts we are literally rewiring our brains from default pathways of the old thoughts and feelings, to new neural pathways.

Play around with these three steps and see what you discover.

What new thoughts are you practicing?

Send an email to liz@happybrainlife.com and share.

Please take good care of yourself. Our world needs your gifts of kindness, compassion, and empathy now more than ever.



P.S. Want help clarifying your thoughts and feelings? There are still a few slots available for the free 45-minute coaching sessions I’m offering as part of my training to become a Certified Life and Weight Coach. This is a great opportunity to get free coaching on any issue you’d like. Sign-up here:


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