Coping with Ongoing Stress

Coping with Ongoing Stress

In Northern California where I live, we’re now experiencing wildfires as well as the other challenges our world is going through.

An article in our local newspaper shared tips for managing chronic stress by a trauma expert, Dr. Adrienne Heinz (The Press Democrat, August 16, 2020).

  1. Practice radical self-compassion. Think of someone who loves you unconditionally, such as a grandparent or a pet. Imagine spending time with them, giving them a hug. Feel their love for you filling your heart.

  2. Keep a journal. Even if you write for only a few minutes a day, you’ll be creating your own narrative about this time rather than just accepting someone else’s.

  3. Get clear on your values. There is so much we can’t control. Focusing on your values, what is most important to you no matter the external circumstances, can be grounding.

  4. Talk with your children. What do you want your family narrative to be for how you navigated these times? What are your family values? Children know when their parents are struggling, so being honest with them (in ways appropriate to their age) can be comforting.

  5. Practice radical empathy. Chronic stress can start to wear down our empathy response. If you feel triggered by someone’s behavior, try to slow down and imagine why they might be acting that way.

  6. Experiment with cold exposure. Studies show that when we’re exposed to extremely cold temperatures, it slows down our body and breath. When you’re feeling stressed, try taking a cold shower, splashing your face with cold water, or put an ice pack or bag of frozen peas on your face.

  7. Spend time in nature. Japanese studies have shown the benefits of “forest bathing.” If you can’t get to a forest, any kind of nature time can be calming, even just looking at nature photos or watering your houseplants.

We will get through this time.

Please take good care of your precious self. Our world needs you!



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