Be a Good Ancestor

Be a Good Ancestor

So many thoughts and feelings this week, with all the disturbing events in the U.S.

I wasn’t sure what to write until I received an email from Layla Saad that gave me a new perspective.

Layla is the author of Me and White Supremacy, a powerful book that has helped me understand more about my own internalized racism.

She also has a wonderful podcast called Good Ancestor.

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Here’s an excerpt from Layla’s email:


Because we are in historic times.

We are still in the grips of a global pandemic. White nationalism continues to grow, and white supremacy continues to assert itself. Everything feels very… chaotic. And it's hard to know what to do or say because we feel like we are in survival mode.

But these are the very times that call for good ancestors.

Not superheroes or otherworldly icons, but (extra)ordinary people who make intentional choices about how they are going to show up in the world.

Choosing whether they are going to add to the chaos, or help create clarity.
Choosing whether they are going to give in to apathy, or get to work.
Choosing whether they are going to lose themselves in anger and grief, or begin making hope a practice.
Choosing whether they are going to be receptacles of despair, or bridges of hope.

We do not know what the rest of this year has in store for us.

We can allow what is happening in the external world to keep us in a nonstop state of chaos, fear, anger, and confusion. Or we can be intentional, as often as possible, about staying centered within so that we can meaningfully respond to this world and our lives with the outlook of a good ancestor.”

For the rest of Layla’s email about being a good ancestor, and other helpful, thoughtful content, Layla’s website is

I’m spending time this week reflecting on what being a good ancestor means to me.

What does being a good ancestor mean to you?

Send an email to and let me know.



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What Does Being a Good Ancestor Mean to You?

What Does Being a Good Ancestor Mean to You?

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