Achieve Your Dreams!

Achieve Your Dreams!

Setting and achieving goals is one of the most powerful things we can do to achieve our dreams.

Recently I learned a new approach to goal-setting that has been a game-changer for me, and that is:

Set one big goal rather than multiple smaller goals.

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Goals are like GPS for our brains – they tell them what we want to create in our lives.

The more specific and focused we make our goals, the easier for our brains to create them.

By focusing on one big goal and working towards it all year, we also increase our skills for goal achievement, which makes it easier to achieve all our goals.

Suggestions for choosing your one goal:

  1. Choose something that is very meaningful to you so your motivation will be high

  2. Make your goal measurable. If it isn’t obvious how to measure, be creative. For example, if your goal is to improve your relationship with your partner, how would you know that you have accomplished it? Maybe 52 weekly dates?

  3. If you’re debating between two (or more) goals, which will move your life forward more?

What’s next?

After you choose your one big goal, imagine it’s the end of the year and you have achieved the goal.

Think (and write) about the following, from the perspective of the future you that has achieved the goal:

  1. How do you feel about achieving the goal?

  2. What are your thoughts about achieving the goal?

  3. What steps did you take to achieve the goal?

Connecting with our future self to help us achieve our goals may seem a little far out, but it’s actually just neuroscience – using the powerful capacity of our human brains to imagine ourselves in the future and think and feel from that perspective.

Want more help with setting your 2021 goal?

Join the 2021 One Big Goal 5-Day Challenge!

You’ll receive daily emails with activities to choose your goal and get started achieving it.

Sign up here:

Whether you join us or not, do spend some time thinking about your goal for 2021 – give your brain a clear GPS direction about where you’d like to go.



P.S. I’ll be offering free 45-minute life coaching sessions through the end of March. Sessions are over zoom with audio only (no video). We can coach on setting and achieving your one big goal, or any other topic you’d like help with!

Sign up here:

Be a Good Ancestor

Be a Good Ancestor

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