3 Ways to Calm Your Nervous System

3 Ways to Calm Your Nervous System

Heart centered women with high empathy tend to have over-reactive nervous systems - we take in so much from the environment around us and feel things deeply. 

That can lead to overwhelm and anxiety, and possibly to more serious physical, mental, and emotional challenges down the road.

Here are three simple ways to help calm your nervous system:

  1. Practice joy. When we do things that create the neurochemistry of joy in our bodies, it is very calming to our brains and nervous systems. What lifts your spirits and brings you joy? Upbeat music, dancing, singing, creating, playing with your kids, grandkids, or pets? Make a list and practice joy every day.

  2. More nature, less screens. Our bodies are built to exist in the natural world, not in the artificial world of electricity and digital devices. I love technology - that’s what is allowing me to connect with you right now - but too much screen time and too little nature can wreak havoc on our nervous systems.

  3. Self-coaching. There are a lot of ways to coach yourself. One of the simplest is by doing a daily thought download. Spend 5-10 minutes writing down all your thoughts. No editing, the point is just to get everything out of your brain and down on paper (or a screen) where you can see it. Just setting down your thoughts can be very calming.

Love and appreciate your beautiful brain and nervous system, treat them well and you’ll experience benefits to your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Please take good care of your precious self. Our world needs your gifts of kindness, compassion, empathy, and creativity now more than ever!



P.S. I’m a life coach for heart centered women. I help you ditch the overwhelm and make the changes you want to make in your life by working together with your sensitive brain and loving heart.

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