Speak Kindly to Yourself Class

Speak Kindly to Yourself Class

Heart centered women with high empathy tend to speak kindly to everyone else, but often not so much to ourselves.

Fortunately, we can change that.

We can learn to talk to ourselves with the same kindness, compassion, and understanding we would extend to anyone we care about.

Growing up, most of us learned the mistaken belief that being self-critical and hard on ourselves was the best way to do well in life.

But it turns out the opposite is true.

The more we develop our supportive, loving, encouraging inner voice, the happier we feel.

And the benefits extend to all areas of life, including our relationships with others and our ability to achieve our goals.

Our old negative, self-critical ways of talking to ourselves are just habits.

We can learn new habits.

If you’d like to learn new ways of talking kindly to yourself, join our free online class for heart centered women: Speak Kindly to Yourself, June 1-7, 2021.

Sign-up here: https://mailchi.mp/happybrainlife/speak-kindly

You’ll receive daily emails with fun, easy writing exercises to practice new, empowering ways of talking to yourself.

Whether you join us or not, I hope that you will start to notice - are you talking to yourself the way you would to someone you love? And if not, play with changing that.

Please take good care of your precious self. Our world needs your gifts of kindness, compassion, and creativity now more than ever!



P.S. I’m a life coach for heart centered women. I help you learn to be as kind to yourself as you are to everyone else.

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