7 Reasons to Write

7 Reasons to Write

Do you enjoy writing?

I’ve been in love with reading and writing since I first learned how more than half a century ago.

Writing has so many benefits it would be impossible to list them all.

Here are some of my favorite reasons to write:

Writing helps you:

  1. Come back to yourself and know yourself better. With all the stimuli in our modern world, we can easily lose touch with what we’re feeling and thinking. Writing helps us reconnect.

  2. Gain more clarity about what’s most important to you, such as your values, priorities, and goals.

  3. Connect to your creativity. All writing is an act of creation, even if you’re just writing for your own enjoyment. When you’re writing, you are spending time creating rather than always just consuming the creations of others.

  4. Lift your spirits. Writing about anything tends to make us feel better, and we also can intentionally lift our spirits by writing about good memories, hopes for the future, what brings us joy, etc.

  5. Connect with your spirituality, whatever that means to you.

  6. Quiet down. Writing is an easy form of meditation that anyone can do.

  7. Heal. A number of research studies have demonstrated the healing benefits of writing.

If you’d like to get into a writing habit and bring more fun and healing into your life, join us for 7 Days of Writing for Fun & Healing, October 1-7, 2022. 

In this free program for heart centered women you’ll receive daily emails with practical info and fun, easy writing prompts.

I’ve also created a free Facebook group so you can connect with other heart centered women around the world if you want to.

If you’d like to receive the daily emails, click here to sign up:


I’d love for you to join us!



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